Senator FineGLENVIEW – As more Illinoisans lean on community organizations for food, shelter and other support, State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview) encourages community organizations providing services during the pandemic to contact the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority to apply for a portion of $7.1 million in newly approved grants.

“As a result of the COVID-19 crisis, more families are struggling with food insecurity, homelessness, mental health and more,” said Fine. “This program offers support to the critical community organizations our friends and neighbors are relying on.”

ICJIA’s Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program assists groups that provide support and oversight to a network of community-based organizations. The lead entities may distribute funds via sub-grants or propose a competitive sub-grantee selection process. ICJIA is giving priority to organizations that operate in the areas hardest hit by the pandemic. Grants must be used for housing, supportive services, agency support or food security.

Organizations can find more information and apply for funding here by July 24. ICJIA will notify applicants of their status by Aug. 10.