fine 319


SPRINGFIELD – To encourage Illinoisans to take care of their mental health and explore our state’s natural resources, State Senator Laura Fine is sponsoring a resolution declaring July 15 “Unplug Illinois Day.”

“It is  so easy to get caught up in our phones and electronics that we forget to take time to take care of our mental health and connect with nature,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “Having a day dedicated to unplugging from our devices will help us reconnect with our environment, our friends and ourselves.”

Unplug Illinois Day is a public service campaign by the Illinois Park and Recreation Association to highlight the value of “unplugging,” or taking a break from electronic devices to enjoy the outdoors. It aims to bring awareness to the staggering amount of time people spend on their phones or computers, and the positive impact unplugging can have on people’s health.

On average, children spend over seven hours a day in front of a screen, not including time spent online for school and homework, while 43% of Americans aged 18 to 29 use

their smartphones at least four hours per day. Additionally, 80% of Americans do not get enough exercise on a daily basis. To inspire people to exercise at Illinois parks and facilities, the Illinois Parks and Recreation has launched this campaign.

Senate Resolution 319 establishes July 15, 2023 as Unplug Illinois Day in the state of Illinois.
