fine 3363rSPRINGFIELD – A new initiative from State Senator Laura Fine will require the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services to maintain a database on the safety of consumer products, making safety information much more accessible to protect Illinois children.

“It can be difficult for parents to know where to look for the most up-to-date information about product safety,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “Having a standard database that caregivers trust will bring peace of mind to parents, as well as prevent tragedies from taking place.”

Currently, families and caregivers do not have a clear resource to check if a product or toy is safe for their child to use, or if there were any recalls of the product. DCFS is currently only required by state law to contact childcare facilities without internet access about relevant product recalls. Those facilities with internet access must research recalls through their own means.

House Bill 3363 requires DCFS to establish and maintain a public database on their website on the safety of consumer products regulated by the department. Additionally, the bill changes the definition of children’s products to include products intended for the use of a child under age 12. This puts DCFS in compliance with the federal Consumer Product Safety Act. 

“This consumer friendly resource will help better inform parents and caregivers about recalls of dangerous or hazardous toys on the market,” said Fine. “This initiative is a convenient way to protect our children.”

House Bill 3363 passed the Senate on May 4.