fine hb1186


SPRINGFIELD – Navigating the healthcare system can be challenging and time consuming, especially for patients with HMOs.  Currently, to see a specialist, HMO patients first have to visit their primary care doctor to get their specialist appointment covered by their insurance. State Senator Laura Fine has introduced legislation in order to eliminate this hurdle.

“When it comes to your health, getting the right care in a timely manner can make a tremendous difference,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “With this initiative, people will be able to get the specialized care they need as soon as possible.” 

House Bill 1186 would allow HMO patients to have appointments and care with in-network specialists covered by their insurance, eliminating the requirement to get a referral from a general practitioner. This will allow HMO patients to get the care they need in a timely manner.

“Requiring the extra step of visiting a primary care doctor is more often than not a hindrance to getting timely care,” said Fine. “HMO patients will no longer have to take more time out of their busy schedules for extra doctor appointments or risk paying more out of pocket for specialized care.”

House Bill 1186 passed the Senate Insurance committee on Tuesday. It now goes to the Senate floor for further consideration.
