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GLENVIEW – The new 9-8-8 crisis line for mental health and substance use emergencies is launching Saturday, July 16. This new helpline will provide people in a mental health crisis with necessary supports.                                                

“The past two years have been an overwhelming time for many Illinoisans, and some feel like they are struggling alone,” said Senator Fine (D-Glenview). “9-8-8 is an expanded resource to assist people experiencing mental health issues. I encourage anyone feeling anxious or depressed to dial 9-8-8 for local support, because a caring voice or a listening ear can make all the difference during times of stress.”

9-8-8 is a 24-hour hotline for people experiencing a mental health crisis. Individuals in need can dial 9-8-8 and be connected with a trained mental health professional who can help provide assistance. The hotline is a free, confidential service.

Senator Fine is the chair of the Mental and Behavioral Health Committee in the Illinois Senate. She has been working to improve mental health care access for all Illinoisans. This past session, she introduced and passed Senate Bill 3617, which will increase the mental health workforce in the state so that more Illinoisans are able to utilize mental health care resources. The 9-8-8 hotline is an additional tool to fill the current gap in mental health care by making immediate, high-quality support accessible to people throughout the state.

“Mental health is as important as physical health, and should have similar accessible and quality resources available in the event of an emergency,” Senator Fine said. “This hotline will now provide support in times of crisis for anyone who simply dials 9-8-8.” 

If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, more resources are available at Lifeline 988.
