Senator Fine


SPRINGFIELD – To encourage employers to hire people in recovery for mental health or substance abuse disorders, State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview) introduced a bill offering eligible employers tax credits for hiring and retaining employees with these conditions.

“Far too often, hard-working, experienced employees are turned away because of a mental health or substance use disorder,” Senator Fine said. “This bill will incentivize employers to give qualified candidates in a state of recovery and wellness an opportunity to succeed.”

Stigma around mental health and substance use disorders can be a deterrent for employers to hire candidates who disclose their mental health conditions. This disproportionately impacts people of color and women who suffer mental health disorders. This may prevent people with mental health conditions from holding secure employment, impacting their financial stability and their ability to receive necessary treatment.

This legislation would incentivize employers to hire and retain employees with mental health disorders by providing tax credits of up to $2,000 for each employee hired and retained per year. Senator Fine is hopeful that this initiative will lead to more people in recovery the ability to find stable employment and be able to disclose their disorders to their superiors without judgment.

“People with mental health conditions can lead successful lives,” Senator Fine said. “This bill will ensure that people with substance use or mental health disorders are not excluded from job opportunities because of their health conditions, and are instead supported by their colleagues in the workplace.”

SB 3882 passed the Senate on Thursday. It now goes to the House for further consideration.
