fine press 072721SPRINGFIELD – Insurance coverage for infertility treatment for all women, regardless of marital status, will be accessible under a measure sponsored by State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview), which was signed into law Tuesday. 

“Every woman in Illinois deserves insurance coverage for infertility treatment,” Senator Fine said. “If a woman is experiencing fertility issues, she should be covered by insurance regardless of her age, medical history, partner status or sexual orientation.”

Current coverage requirements only protect infertility treatments for women under 35 who are unable to become pregnant after one year of trying, women over 35 who are unable to become pregnant after six months, and women who are not medically able to conceive.

Senator Fine’s measure would expand coverage to include single women and women unable to conceive with a partner.

"I'm proud that Illinois has redefined what infertility means to insurance companies, sending a message to families across Illinois that they're supported in their journey to start or grow their family,” State Representative Margaret Croke (D-Chicago), who sponsored the bill in the House, said. “Because of this legislation, LGBTQ couples, single women, and others won't have to face an added cost to welcome a child into their home, and I'm thrilled to see it signed into law today." 

House Bill 3709 was signed into law Tuesday and will take effect January 1, 2022.