drug prices 022521GLENVIEW – To advocate for a solution to skyrocketing prescription drug prices and high out-of-pocket costs for patients, State Senator Laura Fine (D-Glenview) joined the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network for a town hall Monday night to discuss a new bill that would require insurers to offer more predictable prescription medication coverage.

“An individual with cancer or another life-threatening disease should be able to follow the treatment plan set by their doctor without having to skip meals, mortgage payments or other necessities,” Senator Fine said. “Lower, more transparent prescription drug pricing is critical to improving health care access across Illinois.”

At the town hall, Senator Fine discussed the importance of affordable health care and highlighted current laws and new legislation to help reduce patients’ out-of-pocket expenses.

Senator Fine has signed on to a bill that would require health insurance companies to offer plans with more stable specialty prescription drug coverage, such as a flat fee copay or a copay cap.

Of the more than 500 plans offered across all insurance companies and counties in Illinois, less than 10% provide patients with an affordable, predictable way to pay for specialty medicines. As a result, patients often don’t know the true cost of their prescription until they get to the register at the pharmacy.

“No patient should have to worry whether they’ll be able to afford their life-saving medication,” Senator Fine said. “Reasonable, reliable cost-sharing requirements can help give Illinois patients and families the stability they need to access care and better their health.”

Senator Fine is chief co-sponsor of Senate Bill 275, which has been assigned to the Insurance Committee.