ellman 05222019CW0455rNAPERVILLE — As the state continues to suffer from a financial crisis spurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, State Senator Laura Ellman (D-Naperville) will serve on a bipartisan, bicameral commission to monitor discretionary spending by the governor’s office and local governments related to the new state budget and federal relief funding.

“Illinois is in the midst of a fiscal crisis that we can’t ignore, which creates obstacles in our state budget,” Ellman said. “I’m pleased to work with my colleagues to ensure we’re doing what’s best for all Illinoisans. We’ll continue to work diligently to ensure we’re not stuck in these financially diminishing times forever.”

Ellman was appointed to the Legislative Budget Oversight Commission by Senate President Don Harmon Monday. Local governments will report the status and distribution of federal CARES money and any other federal financial relief related to the COVID-19 pandemic to the commission. The commission will relay the information to the governor and General Assembly.

Beginning Aug. 15, the Governor’s Office of Management and Budget will submit monthly reports to the commission to report budget management actions taken by its office, the governor’s office and all state agencies. Additionally, on a quarterly basis, the governor will give a report to the commission orally that includes budget management actions, year-to-date revenues as compared to anticipated revenues, and year-to-date expenditures as compared to the Fiscal Year 2021 budget.

The 22-member body is made up of Democratic and Republican legislators from both chambers of the General Assembly. Members of the commission will serve without compensation.