ellman 041824SPRINGFIELD – To encourage a statewide effort to adopt environmentally conscious infrastructure practices, State Senator Laura Ellman passed a resolution establishing the week of April 21 through April 27 as Green Infrastructure Week.

“This resolution reminds us all that we can help reduce flooding in our neighborhoods and communities,” said Ellman (D-Naperville). “Rain gardens, permeable pavement, green roofs and rain barrels all slow down water as it moves to and through our storm water systems.”

Senate Resolution 705 is the first measure to encourage construction of green infrastructure in Illinois. The resolution designates the week of April 21-27, 2024 as Green Infrastructure Week to promote an eco-friendly framework in the state to enhance natural areas and biodiversity.

When networks of natural areas are poorly managed or when urban design fails to properly control storm water runoff, pollution can have detrimental impacts on water quality, property and public health. SR 705 aims to encourage individuals, businesses and local governments to construct green infrastructure to mitigate this impact and help ease and prevent flooding.

“The developments we have made to enhance our biodiversity, agriculture, climate and water quality can be furthered by a united awareness amongst everyone in the state,” said Ellman. “I am pleased to advance this resolution to inspire individuals, businesses and local and state governments to take part in future green infrastructure initiatives.”

Senate Resolution 705 was adopted by the Senate Thursday.