cunningham 052223SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Bill Cunningham championed legislation to establish ethical guidelines to address ongoing concerns in the red light camera industry.

“We have seen numerous bad actors throughout local and state government,” said Cunningham, a Democrat who represents portions of Chicago and the Southwest Suburbs. “This legislation will put roadblocks in place to ensure that bad actors are punished for their crimes.”

The measure prohibits campaign contributions from contractors who provide the automated traffic enforcement equipment, also known as red light cameras, to any political action committee created by a contractor and any affiliates. Campaign contributions from such sources have been a cause for controversy in past years.

Further, beginning six months before an automated traffic law enforcement system is installed at an intersection, a county or municipality may not change the yellow light interval at that intersection.

Additionally, IDOT can revoke any permit for red light cameras if any official or employee who serves that county or municipality is charged with bribery, official misconduct, or a similar crime related to the placement, installation, or operation of the automated traffic law enforcement system in the county or municipality.

State Representative Mary Gill (D-Chicago), who was appointed back in March to fill the vacancy created by the retirement of State Representative Fran Hurley, plans to support the measure as it returns to the House for a vote.

“We want people to be able to know that the government is not being influenced by private companies,” Gill said. “This legislation is a victory for good government advocates and residents impacted by past industry corruption.”

House Bill 3903 passed the Senate with bipartisan support.