Empty restaurant

ELGIN – To help combat the economic downturn caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity has been awarding a second round of Business Interruption Grants to struggling small businesses. State Senator Cristina Castro (D-Elgin) is pleased to announce that several local businesses were recipients.

“It is great to see many local businesses, which are the backbone of our community, receive such crucial help in a time of crisis,” Castro said. “Through no fault of their own, these businesses have been struggling, but now thanks to the BIG grants, they have a second breath of life. The pandemic has been difficult on all of us, and our businesses are no exception.”

In Elgin and surrounding areas, eight businesses received nearly $200,000 in grant money to help them deal with the pandemic-induced financial downturn. The second round of grants is being prioritized toward businesses in industries and areas of the state that have been hit the hardest by COVID-19, but any businesses can still apply.

“A Business Interruption Grant can be the difference between staying open into the future and closing down for good, and I encourage any business owner who thinks they could use some help to apply,” Castro said.

Grant applications and additional information can be found on DCEO’s website.