belt 053019EAST ST. LOUIS - To support communities hardest hit by COVID-19, State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Centreville) encourages organizations providing support services and resources to apply for a percentage of the $7.1 million worth of newly approved grants from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority.

“Disproportionate neighborhoods have suffered the most from the COIVD-19 health crisis, Belt said. “In these communities, paying for basic necessities have become unmanageable and providing those communities with support to recover from the devastating losses is something the program will do.”

The Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority Coronavirus Emergency Supplemental Funding Program provides funding to community-based agencies in areas disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Funds must be used for rent or utilities assistance, supportive services, or distribution of food to local residents. 

For more information and apply for funding here. Application are due by Friday, July 24.