Belt SB1672SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt advanced a measure to enhance early literacy education for students in kindergarten through third-grade.

“It’s so important that kids receive early intervention if they are having difficulties reading,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “The earlier a student is identified as potentially struggling with reading, the sooner intervention and support can start for the student.”

The Illinois State Board of Education created and adopted a Comprehensive Literacy Plan in 2024. The plan acts as a roadmap to enhance and unify core literacy instruction efforts statewide. It is designed to outline necessary supports and resources for literacy reform, ensuring all students receive developmentally appropriate and evidence-based literacy instruction. The purpose of Belt’s measure is to ensure kindergarten through third-grade students receive regular screenings for potential reading difficulties so those needing additional support can be identified early on and receive intervention.

Senate Bill 1672 would require all school districts to report to the Illinois State Board of Education on the early literacy screenings being used in an effort to make sure there is a standardized approach to assessing the literacy development of young learners. This would allow educators and policymakers to identify areas where students may need additional support and to make data-driven decisions that can improve literacy outcomes. The measure also asks that ISBE compile and report this data to the General Assembly and make it publicly available on its website.

“Not only will the measure help identify kids struggling with reading, it ensures that the process is transparent so parents aren’t left in the dark,” said Belt. “The reporting requirements will help us continue to improve early literacy for students so they go on to become lifelong learners and the next generation of leaders.”

Senate Bill 1672 passed the Senate Education Committee on Tuesday and heads to the full Senate for further consideration.