Belt IGASWANSEA – State Senator Christopher Belt helped secure $2.4 million in grant money for the second round of the Equipment Upgrades Grant Program through the Illinois Grocery Initiative.

“All Illinois families deserve reliable access to fresh and affordable food,” said Senator Christopher Belt (D – Swansea). “This program has had an immense impact on our state's local communities and grocers. The next round of funding will ensure we can continue to support Illinois families.”

The Illinois Grocery Initiative Equipment Upgrades Grant Program provides grants for energy-efficient equipment upgrades for existing independently owned for-profit grocery stores, cooperative grocery stores, or not-for-profit grocery stores. Belt was instrumental in passing the Grocery Initiative Act in 2023 and has since supported legislation to spur economic growth and enhance benefits under the initiative.

This $2.4 million program is designed to strengthen existing grocery stores and preserve access to fresh food in food insecure communities, in an effort to stop the formation of new food deserts.

Interested parties are encouraged to reach out to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for application assistance. Prospective applicants can submit program-specific questions to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..