belt 051723 2SPRINGFIELD – To ensure that Illinoisans in need of insulin have affordable access to the life-saving medicine, State Senator Christopher Belt supported a new law to cap its price at $35.

“Insulin is essential for individuals with diabetes to properly manage their condition,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “Capping the price of insulin ensures that people can afford it without facing financial hardships.”

Under this new law, the price of a 30-day supply of insulin will be capped at $35 for all private individual and group insurance policies.

More than 10% of the U.S. population has diabetes according to the diabetes research institute. One in 12 Illinoisans have insulin-dependent diabetes.  According to the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the cost of insulin has risen 600% in the last 20 years. Americans pay 10 times than that of citizens of 32 other nations—$98.70 on average compared to $8.81.

“Insulin costs have increased significantly in recent years, despite there being little change to the production process,” said Belt. “This law will help protect patient’s well-being by ensuring that access to this life-saving medication is both consistent and affordable.” 

House Bill 2189 was signed on Friday and goes into effect July 1, 2025.