belt 051723SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt passed a measure out of the Senate Wednesday that aims to ensure fair compensation for teachers and protect school boards from undue financial burdens.

“This measure empowers our state’s educators and recognizes the invaluable contributions they make every day,” said Belt (Swansea). “Not only would this enhance the financial well-being of teachers, but it also would contribute to maintaining the high standard of education in our schools across the state.”

House Bill 300 would establish the Commission on Government Forecasting and Accountability as the agency responsible for adjusting the teacher minimum salary in accordance with annual increases in inflation rates.

The legislation also addresses concerns related to potential higher pension contributions resulting from increased minimum teacher salaries. It would ensure that school boards would not be penalized for fulfilling their obligation to provide competitive compensation to teachers.

“The elements in this measure promote fairness, stability and excellence in education,” said Belt. “By prioritizing fair compensation for our teachers and supporting school boards, we are making a profound investment in the future of our state.”

House Bill 300 passed the Senate.