Senator Belt Feb 2022 Budget


SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Swansea) released the following statement regarding the governor’s budget address Wednesday afternoon:

“I support Governor Pritzker’s increase in education funding for K-12 students, as well as increasing tuition assistance for higher education, which will allow more students to receive financial aid. As chair of the Senate Education Committee and a former school board member, I have seen how essential it is that we continue to put money into our education system. During my time in the General Assembly, we have seen education funding double allowing all students to flourish.

“Reducing the backlog of bills and increasing Illinois' overall credit rating, keeps the state financially accountable. As a state, we are moving forward and investing in the people of Illinois. By freezing the grocery and liquor license taxes, we are putting residents’ needs first and keeping money in their pockets.

“Lastly, the governor’s proposal prioritizes public safety. Investing in our communities, especially those with limited resources to address violence, is important as we work to reduce crime and keep our neighborhoods safe.”
