belt 042921SPRINGFIELD – An initiative sponsored by State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Centreville) that would ensure all eligible employees are paid prevailing wage and create a more transparent Illinois Department of Labor passed the State Senate on Thursday.

The Prevailing Wage Act requires contractors and subcontractors to pay laborers, workers and mechanics employed on public works construction projects no less than the average rate for the same work in the county where the work takes place.

The initiative would require IDOL’s electronic database of payroll records to be listed by the middle of each month and searchable by the public, ensuring compliance with prevailing wage laws.  

“The government shouldn’t be involved in underpaying construction workers,” Belt said. “We owe it to the public to generate good paying jobs and guarantee government construction projects are done the right way.”

Though IDOL is already required to maintain a database of payroll records to ensure workers are actually being paid the prevailing wage, Belt’s legislation would make it public.

“This added transparency would help make sure these employees are receiving the wage they deserve,” Belt said.

Senate Bill 1767 passed the Illinois Senate with a vote of 42-11 and will now head to the Illinois House of Representatives for further consideration.