IL Capitol Flags

SPRINGFIELD – A measure introduced by State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Centreville) that would require the Illinois Department of Natural Resources to fly the United States, Illinois and prisoner of war/missing in action flags at all state parks passed the State Senate on Friday.

“These flags are representations of our state and nation, as well as a reminder of the sacrifices service members have given to protect the freedoms we have today,” Belt said.

The measure would require IDNR to fly a United States, Illinois and POW/MIA flag at all state parks within five years after it is signed into law. Additionally, the legislation would allow for groups and individuals to donate resources to the department’s Special Projects Fund to cover the cost of implementation.

“We’re currently living in a moment of such division in our country,” Belt said. “I hope this legislation will help us unify.” 

There are over 100 state parks across Illinois.

Senate Bill 2089 passed the Illinois Senate without opposition and now heads to the Illinois House of Representatives for further consideration.