belt hotel 022521Centreville – With the State’s Rebuild Illinois program in full swing, State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Centreville) announced a $1.5 million shovel-ready construction project in downtown East St. Louis on Thursday.

“I’m pleased that the State is prioritizing the revitalization of historic landmarks in our community, like the Broadview Hotel,” Belt said. “This project will create hundreds of jobs downtown and will provide new and affordable housing and development to a city in need of investment in local infrastructure.”

Part of the statewide construction program that will support new development across Illinois, the project is set to renovate the historic former Broadview Hotel in downtown East St. Louis, to create transit-oriented affordable housing and commercial development.

“This building has been a historic landmark in our community for nearly 100 years,” Belt said. “I look forward to seeing this building and the rest of downtowns’ renewal in the years to come.”

Now registered as a national historic place, the Broadview Hotel was completed nearly 100 years ago, in 1927. In its early years, the hotel was the city's largest and finest hotel, providing luxury rooms and amenities, and doubling as a regional and statewide convention and meeting venue.

The Broadview Hotel is also an excellent example of hotel design and construction in the St. Louis region in the 1920s. Designed and engineered by Arthur J. Widmer for Widmer Engineering Company, the building embodies modern urban hotel planning.

The project is being funded by Rebuild Illinois, the state’s 5-year statewide construction program. You can visit the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity's website for updates on this and future Rebuild Illinois projects.