munoz 051321CHICAGO – Assistant Majority Leader Tony Munoz (D-Chicago) has been appointed to the Illinois Veteran’s Advisory Council to address significant issues and concerns of Illinois veterans.

“As a veteran, I am proud to be appointed to the Veteran’s Advisory Council,” Munoz said. “One of my top priorities as a legislator has always been to protect and support veterans. I will continue to work with my colleagues to ensure veterans are taken care of.”

The council is empowered to review and study the issues and concerns that are most significant to Illinois veterans and advise the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs on how to address the issues and concerns.

The council reports to the governor and the General Assembly annually, describing the issues addressed and the actions taken during the year, as well as recommendations for future action. It also investigates the process for service members who return from active duty, including the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder, homelessness, disabilities and other issues members may face.

The Illinois Veteran’s Advisory Council is required to meet quarterly and be available to meet at the call of the chair, IDVA or the governor.

“I look forward to working with the members on this council to find what best benefits our veterans,” Munoz said. “I’m grateful for this opportunity to support those who give the ultimate sacrifice.”

The 21-member body is made up of Democratic and Republican legislators from both chambers, veterans and appointed individuals.

The Illinois Veteran’s Advisory Council was created by House Bill 2973 of the 100th General Assembly.