aquino 052324SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Omar Aquino led a measure through the Senate that calls on Illinois’ labor oversight boards to work together to streamline the resolution process at worksites involved in unfair labor complaint proceedings.

“Workers should not have to wait in limbo to find out the future of their livelihood,” said Aquino (D-Chicago). “Streamlining this process will give employees the answers they deserve so they don’t have to wait months for a resolution.”

The Illinois Labor Relations Act lays out the rights public sector employees are entitled to in Illinois, including the right to form, join or assist a labor organization without fear of penalty, discrimination or retaliation. When a public employer or labor organization interferes with the exercise of rights provided under the ILRA, the employee, union or employer can file unfair labor practice charges with the labor board overseeing their sector. In recent years, labor unions representing public sector workers have seen wait times as long as 400 days on their unfair labor practice claims.

To ensure there is publicly available data on how long it takes to resolve cases and begin taking steps to speed up this process, Aquino worked with the AFL-CIO on legislation calling on the Illinois Labor Relations Board and the Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board to expedite their consideration and resolution of unfair labor practices and report the timeline of these steps annually to the governor and General Assembly.

“It is a top priority of mine to protect workers’ rights in our state and to make sure working-class families have an environment that fosters upward mobility,” Aquino added. “When the working class has an environment they can thrive in, the rest of our state does too.”

House Bill 5324 passed the Senate Thursday and is one step closer to becoming law.