BUFFALO GROVE — State Senator Adriane Johnson has seen small businesses in the community suffer like never before. To provide those businesses support and let their owners know she is there to help them through this difficult time, the Buffalo Grove Democrat toured a number of shops throughout the Northern Suburbs.
“Small businesses have faced unimaginable challenges this year, and many owners worry daily if they’ll be able to make it through the winter months,” Johnson said. “Each person I met has faced a unique set of challenges. I’m hopeful our conversations served as a reminder that people are looking out for them and want to see them succeed.”
Read more: Johnson completes first round of small business tours
HIGHWOOD – Stories of clinics not receiving their promised number of COVID-19 vaccines, appointment websites crashing, and people spending the night in their cars hoping to be first in line to get their dose aren’t unheard of. The frequency of these stories – and others – led State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) to schedule a Senate hearing on the statewide vaccine distribution plan.
“As the demand for the vaccine has grown, so has anticipation for each of us waiting for the vaccine,” Morrison said. “We’ve been fielding calls from frustrated and frightened constituents who are eligible but can’t find their place in line or get the vaccine.”
Read more: Morrison searches for answers on vaccine distribution frustrations
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) and other members of the Senate Commerce Committee questioned representatives from the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity and communicated concerns from their local business owners at Thursday’s subject matter hearing regarding the Business Interruption Grant program.
“Today’s hearing shed some light on the processes the department used to evaluate applications and distribute BIG funds, but our small businesses deserve complete transparency,” Murphy said. “We need access to all available information to properly evaluate how small business owners could be better served in the future.”
Read more: Murphy advocates for small businesses, questions DCEO at committee hearing on BIG program
CHICAGO — Mike Simmons became the first openly gay member of the Illinois Senate, and the first person of color to serve as state Senator from Illinois’ 7th District after being sworn in Saturday.
“This breaks down a ceiling that is important for the most diverse state Senate district in Illinois,” Simmons said. “And as our new state Senator, I will work tirelessly to amplify the voices and urgent needs of the most vulnerable residents of my district: Our immigrants, those struggling with access to housing, seniors, people in between jobs, single mothers, returning citizens, LGBTQIA+ people, young people, and so many others who have been hit hardest by the pandemic.”
Read more: Simmons sworn in as State Senator for 7th District
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