NAPERVILLE – Dedicated license plates will soon be available to more members of Gold Star Families in Illinois thanks to a new law by State Senator Laura Ellman signed on Friday.
“When brave men and women put their lives on the line to defend our country, their families make great sacrifices as well—Gold Star Families sacrificing the most of all,” said Ellman (D-Naperville). “I was proud to partner with dedicated legislators and advocates from across the state to pass this law ensuring all members of Gold Star Families receive the recognition and thanks they so rightfully deserve.”
House Bill 5078 expands the current eligibility list for Gold Star Family license plates to include stepchildren, adopted children and half-siblings of veterans who lost their lives serving in a branch of the United States Armed Forces, and waives the registration fee for children in Gold Star Families.
Read more: Gold Star Families to receive expanded recognition, support under Ellman law
CHICAGO – Local school boards’ threat assessment procedures will be filed with local law enforcement agencies to increase student safety thanks to a measure spearheaded by State Senator Christopher Belt that was signed into law Friday.
“As chair of the Senate Education Committee, one of my top priorities is student safety,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “This law will ensure all schools are up to date with their procedures and give parents one less worry in case of a school threat.”
Currently, each public school district is required to implement a threat assessment procedure that includes the creation of a threat assessment team. The team must consist of an administrator, teacher, school counselor, psychologist, school social worker and at least one law enforcement official.
Read more: New Belt law prioritizes student safety in case of a threat
CHICAGO – Former foster children may get in contact with their former foster parents and former foster siblings thanks to a measure sponsored by State Senator Sara Feigenholtz that was signed into law Friday.
Senator Feigenholtz (D-Chicago), an adoptee herself, was reunited with her biological sister through a similar service provided by the state of Illinois. Feigenholtz saw the positive outcome these services have, and wanted to expand state services for youth in foster care.
“Children in the foster system often become very close with their foster parents and siblings before they are adopted into a new family,” Feigenholtz said. “Children deserve easy accessibility to contact them as they transition into a new life with unfamiliar faces.”
Read more: New Feigenholtz law reconnects former foster children with their foster families
SPRINGFIELD –State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) championed an initiative to bring additional training requirements on Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias for emergency medical service providers that became law Friday.
“Attending to patients with dementia requires heightened analysis of the current state of the individual and careful consideration for appropriate care,” Villanueva said. “An impaired ability to recall information, make decisions and think critically is common among the many types of dementias, making it imperative that our medical services personnel are well-equipped to approach and handle these situations.”
Read more: Villanueva law to give quality care to people with dementia
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