SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Christopher Belt advanced a measure through the Senate Thursday to tackle the increasing number of food deserts in Illinois.
“People should be able to have easy access to healthy and affordable food at all times,” said Belt (D-Swansea). “By providing financial assistance to grocery stores, we can incentivize the establishment and expansion of stores in areas that are considered food deserts.”
Under this legislation, the Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity would be required to provide grants and other forms of financial assistance to privately-owned grocery stores and grocery stores owned by a unit of local government, school district or community college district, located in or to be located in a food desert.
Read more: Belt initiative to help tackle the issue of food deserts in the State clears the Senate
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Rachel Ventura passed a measure through the Senate Thursday to expand science education in elementary schools.
“Creating human-centered education in science helps individuals to understand their bodies fully but also creates connections to other sciences potentially creating a strong interest and understanding,” said Ventura (D-Joliet). “We must empower kids to learn more about the human body and how it relates to higher sciences.”
Ventura’s measure would create the Science in Elementary Schools Working Group. The group, created by the Illinois State Board of Education, would add new science curriculum on topics such as anatomy, physiology, and nutrition. The expanded education would also help students understand their own bodies and care for their health and well-being throughout their lives.
Read more: Ventura advocates for new science criteria in elementary schools
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Karina Villa advanced legislation from the Senate on Thursday to expand protections for service and companion animal in Illinois.
“This legislation is necessary to ensure companion and working animals will have protections in place if need be,” Villa said (D-West Chicago). “Animal cruelty is a harsh reality that happens far too often. Adding these additional safeguards will protect animals across the state.”
Senate Bill 1499, which makes changes to the Humane Care for Animals Act, allows a law enforcement officer to legally take possession of the companion animal of someone arrested who strikes, harms, injures, tampers with or kills police animals, service dogs, detection dogs or search and rescue dogs; poisons animals; or confines animals in a motor vehicle for a dangerous amount of time. Current law allows law enforcement to take possession of an animal only when making an arrest involving cruel treatment, aggravated cruelty, animal torture or animal entertainment.
Read more: Villa legislation expanding animal protections passes Senate
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Fine’s legislation to require public institutions to provide accommodations for individuals with disabilities if they meet transparent eligibility requirements passed the Senate, making it one step closer to becoming law.
“Destigmatizing disabilities in our society is a multi-step process,” said Fine (D-Glenview). “Ensuring accommodations are easily accessible to university students is a good place to start.”
Currently, federal law only protects students with disabilities seeking public higher education from being discriminated against based on their disability and does not outline the need for reasonable academic accommodations past high school. Senate Bill 99 would establish a process for students with disabilities to receive reasonable accommodations from public universities and colleges.
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