SPRINGFIELD – E-cigarette use is rising dramatically among Illinois teens – with the newest culprit of the epidemic being vapes that look like highlighters, markers and other school supplies.
During a press conference Thursday, State Senators Julie Morrison and Meg Loughran Cappel outlined their proposals to curb the youth vaping epidemic.
“The dangerous and addictive nature of nicotine consumption is the reason I have taken a strong stand on this issue,” said Morrison (D-Lake Forest). “We should do everything in our power to make it impossible for children to obtain and conceal tobacco products.”
Read more: Senate Democrats outline plan to protect youth from e-cigarettes
State Senator Dave Koehler joined the Illinois Stewardship Alliance and rural farmers today to discuss his latest measure, Senate Bill 3077, which would strengthen local food production and distribution.
“We should be supporting our farmers here in Illinois rather than purchasing products across the country,” said Koehler (D-Peoria). “Farming is more than just sticking a seed in the ground. You must also have the infrastructure to be able to harvest and process food for people.”
Senate Bill 3077 would create the Local Food Infrastructure Grant Act. This measure would require the Illinois Department of Agriculture to amplify local food processing, collection and distribution within the state through grants. Eligible applicants would include farms, co-ops, process facilities, food businesses and hubs with fewer than 50 employees, as well as Illinois nonprofit organizations and local governments.
Koehler, the Illinois Stewardship Alliance and farmers rallied behind the measure, highlighting the importance of having locally sourced food in stores and the impact it would have on the economy.
SPRINGFIELD – As the world continues to rely on the use of electronics, State Senator Dave Koehler is spearheading a measure to ensure batteries are properly disposed in Illinois.
“Although using electronic alternatives are great for the environment, the lack of proper disposal of batteries can lead to more environmental harm,” said Koehler (D-Peoria). “This measure begins a much-needed detailed plan for battery recycling.”
Senate Bill 3686 would require businesses who sell or distribute batteries to develop a recycling stewardship program. Sellers and distributors would be required to create a small to medium-sized battery recycling program by 2026. Medium-sized batteries would include batteries made for electric bikes and electric scooters. By 2029, businesses must include appropriate labeling for all batteries to ensure proper collection and recycling.
Read more: Koehler measure to revolutionize battery recycling
SPRINGFIELD – Senate Democrats expressed their support for those impacted by Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia by wearing purple for the Alzheimer’s Association Day of Action Wednesday.
“I am honored to stand alongside advocates and demonstrate our commitment to supporting the thousands of Illinois residents living with Alzheimer’s or dementia,” said State Senator Karina Villa (D-West Chicago). “We must continue to prioritize improvements to state resources to support not only individuals diagnosed with the disease, but their caretakers and loved ones as well.”
In Illinois, 230,000 people live with dementia and 300,000 people are caregivers for people living with Alzheimer’s or dementia. The Alzheimer’s Association Day of Action aims to make Illinois dementia capable by advocating for legislation focused on improving the lives of people impacted by Alzheimer’s.
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