edly allen 070224SPRINGFIELD –State Senator Mary Edly-Allen passed a law to remove the requirement that all reports of child abuse and neglect made by mandatory reporters must be confirmed by Child Protective Service Unit.

“By streamlining and clarifying how abuse is reported, we are taking a step toward making the reporting process more efficient and thorough,” said Edly-Allen (D-Libertyville). “This legislation will ensure that concise and accurate reporting is the standard in Illinois as our future generations deserve nothing less.”

Senate Bill 2788 removes the requirement that reports or child abuse or neglect be reported in writing to Child Protective Service Unit within 48 hours of the initial report. Schools will continue, under this law, to receive the same information they currently receive.


“I worked closely with the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) while negotiating this new law to ensure that the bill will support DCFS’ work and streamline reporting,” said Edly-Allen. “I look forward to continuing to work with our sister agencies to make their policies and procedures more efficient.”

Senate Bill 2788 was signed into law Monday and goes into effect Jan. 1, 2025.