SPRINGFIELD – Following Gov. JB Prtizker’s Budget Address Wednesday, State Senator Scott Bennett (D-Champaign) expressed his support of the governor’s plans to prioritize students, workers and families.
“As we continue our recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, the needs of our colleges and universities must be met,” Bennett said. “The governor’s proposal makes some important commitments to help alleviate the struggle many families face when considering sending their children off to college.”
The governor’s proposal increases funding from $122 million to $601 million for the Monetary Award Program (MAP), which provides financial assistance to Illinois residents who attend approved Illinois colleges. This will help ensure current recipients will continue to qualify and at least 24,000 more students will have access to academic opportunities.
Read more: Bennett reacts to responsible budget proposal that prioritizes students and families
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Sara Feigenholtz (D-Chicago) released the following statement regarding the governor’s budget address Wednesday afternoon:
“Today's budget address is historic in so many ways. It provides an additional $500 million to pay down future pension debt, saving $1.8 billion in interest costs through 2045 and continuing our efforts to put Illinois on a path toward greater fiscal responsibility.
“In addition, Gov. Pritzker is prioritizing public safety. Investing in our communities is vital to reducing crime and keeping our neighborhoods safe. The budget provides increased funding for cadet classes for Illinois State Police and the technology and tools needed to do their job. In addition, the budget allocates $240 million in gun violence prevention.
Read more: Feigenholtz: Budget proposal pays down debt, invests in our most vulnerable
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) offered the following statement after the governor released his proposed Fiscal Year ’23 budget.
“Working families across the state are facing grave financial struggles due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, high property taxes and the recent bout of inflation. The governor’s proposed budget outlines much needed relief for those who have long felt unnoticed.
Read more: Murphy: Proposed budget is a win for working families
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) released the following statement regarding the governor’s proposed budget:
“As our communities, working families and small businesses continue to face grave financial struggles brought forth by the ongoing pandemic, it is vital we provide them with tax relief. This budget does just that — by ensuring families are taken care of, while continuing to fully fund our K-12 education system and other important items to help our state thrive.”
Read more: Stadelman: Budget proposal is win for working families, college students
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