lakeco water 050422LAKE COUNTY, Ill.  – State Senators Adriane Johnson, Julie Morrison and Melinda Bush are thrilled to announce the North Shore Water Reclamation District is set to receive more than $5 million in water infrastructure funding.

“With this investment, the North Shore Water Reclamation District can take significant strides to update infrastructure, protect the environment and improve water quality for our residents,” said Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove). “I’m pleased to see this program benefit our community’s safety.” 

The funds come from the Illinois EPA's State Revolving Fund Program, which includes the Water Pollution Control Loan Program and the Public Water Supply Loan Program. These programs provide low-interest loans to fund wastewater, storm water and drinking water projects. 

“This is about protecting both the environment and overall public health and safety,” said Morrison (D-Lake Forest). “By investing in our aging infrastructure, we are investing in our community’s health.”

The North Shore Water Reclamation district will use the funds to install a number of updates at the Clavey Road, Gurnee and Waukegan Water Reclamation Facilities, as well as eight pump stations the district owns and operates.

“Clean, accessible drinking water is a basic human right,” said Bush (D-Grayslake). “Yet far too often this right is taken for granted. Through this funding, the state is investing in bringing clean water to the areas that need it most.”

Projects are funded throughout the state through the Rebuild Illinois program, and recipients will receive an interest rate of 1.11% for both wastewater and drinking water loans. Find more information about Illinois EPA’s SRF program here