SPRINGFIELD— State Senator Elgie R. Sims, Jr. (D-Chicago) released the following statement regarding the passage of the FY23 budget and tax relief plan Friday evening:
"We have approved a budget that is balanced, responsible and invests in hardworking families across the state. We’ve constructed the plan to put money back into taxpayers’ pockets, invest in critical public safety measures and support human services.
Read more: Sims: Our budget plan achieves short- and long-term success
SPRINGFIELD – To help ensure construction workers are properly compensated, State Senator Cristina Castro (D-Elgin) spearheaded a measure to allow construction workers employed by a subcontractor who fails to pay them to seek remedy from the primary contractor.
“Construction sites can involve a complicated network of multiple subcontractors and dozens of workers,” Castro said. “When subcontractors fail to pay their workers, we have a duty to ensure there is a mechanism in place for workers to receive their hard-earned wages.”
Read more: Senate approves Castro measure to combat wage theft in the construction industry
SPRINGFIELD – Eligible mothers who choose to utilize a midwife during the pregnancy and birthing process may soon have services covered under Medicaid thanks to legislation supported by State Senator Cristina Castro (D-Elgin).
“Last year, after decades of work, we passed a law to officially license and certify midwives in Illinois,” said Castro, who sponsored the Licensed Certified Professional Midwife Practice Act. “We knew to truly make a difference, access to these services needed to be as equitable as possible, and expanding Medicaid coverage for them will create more options to mothers who need it most.”
House Bill 4343 makes various updates to Medicaid in Illinois, including allowing for the coverage of midwifery services. Certified professional midwives play an important role in providing high quality, low-cost maternity care for mothers who seek a home birth experience—a need particularly highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic.
SPRINGFIELD – To support retailers, update prosecuting resources and promote statewide economic growth, the Illinois Senate adopted a measure led by State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs) to curb organized retail crime and hold ringleaders accountable.
“Organized retail crimes across the state have disturbed residents, wreaked havoc on businesses and stunted growth within local economies,” Glowiak Hilton said. “By advancing the Organized Retail Crime Act, Illinois has an opportunity to enact one of the most comprehensive crime-curbing efforts in the nation.”
In partnership with the Illinois Retail Merchants Association and the office of the attorney general, Glowiak Hilton’s initiative defines organized retail crime as a criminal charge and gives prosecutors additional resources to charge crime ringleaders. Specifically, the measure codifies ORC as the theft of retail merchandise with the intent to sell.
Read more: Glowiak Hilton champions organized retail crime deterrence measure
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