DES PLAINES – Hospitals have experienced a dire shortage of blood donations during the COVID-19 crisis, inspiring State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) to host a community blood drive Wednesday, July 29, from 2 to 6 p.m. at the Prairie Lakes Community Center, located at 515 E. Thacker St. in Des Plaines.
“At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, many blood drives were cancelled, causing a shortage that put many patients at risk,” said Murphy. “Now that we have the necessary safety protocols in place, I encourage healthy people to make an appointment to donate.”
Read more: Murphy urges residents to donate at upcoming blood drive
CHICAGO – State Senator Ann Gillespie (D-Arlington Heights) welcomed legislators and staff to tour two safety-net hospitals on Tuesday. Attendees included members of the bipartisan Legislative Medicaid Working Group and Senate leadership.
“Our working group and Senate leaders were able to see first-hand the important role of safety-net hospitals and the work they do for underserved communities,” Gillespie said. “The patients served by safety-net hospitals are largely uninsured or are covered by Medicaid or Medicare; as a result, safety-net hospitals often look beyond traditional health care to addressing social determinants of care to better serve their communities.”
Read more: Gillespie brings Medicaid Working Group to safety-net hospitals
CHICAGO – After President Trump released a memorandum that calls for an unprecedented change that would exclude undocumented residents from the U.S. Census, State Senator Celina Villanueva (D-Chicago) released the following statement:
“Both citizens and non-citizens have been included in the official count since the first U.S. Census. The purpose of the census is to count all residents, regardless of status, so that the communities they live in receive adequate resources and accurate representation.
Read more: Villanueva: Immigrant communities will not be silenced in the census
CHICAGO – Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) released the following statement in response to the loss of Congressman John Lewis Friday night.
“We lost a giant in the fight for civil rights. Congressman John Lewis unapologetically and fiercely fought for the rights of Black people and every marginalized population in our country. He carried on the dream that Dr. Martin Luther King first manifested in 1963 to his dying day, and we have to continue to carry that vision until it is reality.
“Have no doubt that we are in a movement that has the power to finally turn the tide, and if we each approach it with an ounce of the courage Congressman Lewis had, we will change our country.
“Last night, the Chicago Police department took actions against protestors that are much too reminiscent of the same actions that were taken against Congressman Lewis in his youth. We cannot be public servants if our interest is not in serving the public, and we cannot treat monuments better than we treat people.”
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