SPRINGFIELD – Legislation sponsored State Senator Paul Faraci aimed at creating a hunger-free campus grant program was signed into law.
“This is a good step in the right direction to address inequalities when it comes to access to food on campus,” said Faraci (D-Champaign). “If we want to help students, we have to make the necessary investments in all different aspects of college.”
Faraci’s legislation aims to address student hunger by providing funding for grants to higher education institutions that have one or more campuses designated as hunger-free campuses. The grants will be used to leverage sustainable solutions, raise awareness of existing services on campus and build strategic partnerships to address food insecurity among students. The legislation also requires each institution to establish a hunger task force to determine strategies for achieving a hunger-free campus in order to be eligible for the grant.
Representative Carol Ammons (D-Champaign) sponsored this measure in the House.
Other states including California, New Jersey, Maryland, Minnesota, Louisiana and Pennsylvania have already adopted customized versions of the Hunger Free Campus legislation. Swipe Out Hunger reports that more than $100 million has been distributed nationwide through the Hunger Free Campus Act, with California alone supporting over two million students.
House Bill 2528 was signed into law on Friday and takes effect immediately.
SPRINGFIELD – A new measure sponsored by State Senator Mike Halpin that limits the cost of Epinephrine Auto-Injectors, commonly known by the brand name EpiPens, to a maximum of $60 per twin-pack was signed into law.
"We’re talking about something that is proven to save lives, and people aren’t able to afford it," said Halpin (D-Rock Island). "This law takes a swing at pharmaceutical companies who are lining their own pockets with profits on life saving medication. We are making EpiPens affordable and accessible for all residents of Illinois who require them."
Epinephrine Auto-Injectors are the only medication that works on the entire body to combat anaphylaxis, a potentially fatal allergic reaction. However, since 2017, a global shortage of these devices has made this medication increasingly difficult to obtain. Parts of the United States have experienced shortages since 2018, with the FDA permitting an extension of the recommended shelf life of EpiPens to combat the shortage.
In addition to the shortage, the cost of EpiPens has skyrocketed in recent years, with a twin pack costing anywhere from $500-700 on average, and a single injector costing anywhere from $300-400. This has placed a significant financial burden on families who need to keep multiple EpiPens on hand for emergencies.
“I want to personally thank Senator Halpin for championing this cause and sharing his platform, allowing me to lend my voice and advocacy in support of his efforts,” said Tiffany Mathis, CEO & Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Illinois. “When my child’s life was on the line and I couldn’t afford the cost of EpiPens, it was the most helpless feeling I’ve ever felt as a mother; there was nothing I could do. I am so proud to know that with the passage of this bill, other parents won’t have to feel as helpless as I did, or have to choose between paying their bills and keeping their child alive.”
House Bill 3639 was signed into law on Friday and takes effect immediately.
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Javier Cervantes’ measure to prohibit all drivers from using an electronic communications device while operating a motor vehicle in Illinois, including any video conferencing or social media applications, was signed into law Friday.
”This law will ensure Illinoisans are driving safely and not endangering anyone else on the roadways,” said Cervantes (D-Chicago). “This law takes action against drivers video calling and not paying attention to the road. I am proud to play a part in making Illinois a safer place for everyone.”
DECATUR – State Senator Doris Turner joined state and local officials and leaders at a press conference Wednesday to break ground on TCCI’s new Electric Vehicle Innovation Hub in Decatur.
“By investing in TCCI’s Innovation Hub, we are investing in our community, boosting our local economy and bringing jobs to Decatur,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “Central Illinois will be a leader in the industry by expanding EV manufacturing and working with Richland Community College to prepare students for the workforce. This is a huge win for our community.”
Over $21 million was invested to build the first-of-its kind Climatic Center for Innovation and Research and the EV + Energy Workforce Training Academy through the Reimagining Energy and Vehicles in Illinois incentive package that supports the manufacturing facility expansion.
Read more: Turner celebrates groundbreaking on EV Innovation Hub in Decatur
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