SPRINGFIELD — State Senator Omar Aquino, standing alongside Service Employees International Union members, pushed for a wage increase for home care workers in Illinois at a rally Wednesday.
“When I worked for the Community Care Program, I witnessed firsthand the impact of home care workers on seniors’ ability to live an independent and dignified life,” expressed Aquino to advocates gathered in the Capitol rotunda. “You all provide dignified work—you should earn a dignified pay.”
Aquino joined hundreds of home care workers rallying together to speak on the need to increase wages for home care workers who provide essential personal assistance and health care support to thousands of seniors and people with disabilities across the state.
Read more: Aquino stands with SEIU, home care workers in fight for living wage
SPRINGFIELD – Senate Democrats advocated for the Healthcare Protection Act to curb predatory insurance practices to ensure adequate access to health care for people in Illinois at a press conference Wednesday.
“The big time insurance companies are going to fight us on this, but we are going to bring the public – the people of Illinois – with us to the negotiating table and get this done,” said State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago). “I am honored to sponsor this bill and will not fold on my commitment to make Illinois a healthier and safer place by ensuring they have access to the best possible care.”
Senate Bill 3739 aims to ban step therapy and prior authorization for crisis mental health care, improve network adequacy and end unchecked rate increases for large group insurance companies.
Read more: Senate Democrats stand against predatory insurance practices
SPRINGFIELD – To protect university and community college employees, State Senator Doris Turner advanced a measure that would ensure employees and contractors receive their daily, regular rate of pay and benefits if a campus is closed due to a winter weather emergency.
“When campuses close for weather, it’s not usually planned and can leave workers without pay for a day or more,” said Turner (D-Springfield). “This initiative would protect the workers who often aren’t paid if campuses close but play an important role in the normal, day-to-day operations for universities and community colleges.”
SPRINGFIELD — Today, members of the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus commemorated the 54th annual Illinois Agriculture Legislative Day, highlighting the importance of supporting farmers and the state’s agricultural industry.
Organized by the Illinois Department of Agriculture, this daylong event serves as a platform for industry stakeholders to engage directly with legislators, discussing issues impacting agriculture and rural communities.
"Our farmers are the backbone of our communities,” said State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield). “This is an opportunity to build partnerships that support those who feed us, build our economy and supply locally sourced products throughout our communities.”
Read more: Illinois Senate Democrats applaud farmers on Ag Day
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