SPRINGFIELD – Frustrated by the lack of women in government and politics, State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake) passed a measure out of the Senate allowing political campaign funds to be used for child-care expenses.
“Highly qualified and experienced women and other young parents are being locked out of politics because of the cost of child care,” Bush said. “This legislation will allow talented people to run for office, work in politics, and volunteer their time without worrying about finding affordable child care.”
Read more: Bush plan would make child care less of a barrier to public service
SPRINGFIELD – To increase employment opportunities for women, minorities and people with disabilities, State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Centreville) is sponsoring a measure to change the job interview process at state agencies.
“Agencies must keep diversity in mind when they interview job candidates,” Belt said. “People tend to hire candidates that look like them. That means one-dimensional interview panels are far less likely to create a diverse workplace.”
Senate Bill 3214 would create the Equal Opportunity Employment Interview Initiative and require state agencies to implement hiring goals for certain target groups, including women, minorities and people with disabilities.
Read more: Belt endorses diverse interview panels to ensure equal employment opportunity
SPRINGFIELD – The price of EpiPens has greatly increased over the years, causing people with certain allergies to forgo purchasing the life-saving medication. State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) strives to offset the burdensome cost by requiring insurers to cover medically necessary epinephrine injectors.
“With increases in food allergies and other serious allergic conditions, people are relying on EpiPens more than ever,” Morrison said. “Nobody with a serious allergy should go without an epinephrine injector simply because they cannot afford one.”
Senate Bill 2457 – sponsored by Morrison – requires insurers to cover medically necessary EpiPens for all people – regardless of age.
Read more: EpiPens for all one step closer to becoming reality
SPRINGFIELD – Illinois college students and their families would be eligible to receive a tax credit of up to $2,000 for tuition and fee expenses under legislation sponsored by State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines).
“For a working family, the cost of college can really add up,” said Murphy. “This tax credit is a way for us to give a little relief to the students who choose to pursue an education at one of the exceptional institutions Illinois has to offer.”
Couples making less than $250,000 and single taxpayers making less than $125,000 who claim one or more qualifying students as dependents would be eligible for the tax credit.
Read more: Murphy proposes tax breaks for families of Illinois college students
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