EAST ST. LOUIS - To increase the testing capacity for downstate residents, State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Centreville) announced a new COVID-19 testing facility will open in East St. Louis at Jackie Joyner Kersee Center on Wednesday, May 6 with drive-thru and walk-up services.
“It’s vital that every community has direct access to a testing facility to help treat, isolate or hospitalize people who are infected,” said Belt. “I am happy that East St. Louis residents and the rest of the Metro East are receiving easier access to testing to ensure a strong recovery of the downstate communities.”
Read more: Belt announces new East St. Louis COVID-19 testing site to open Wednesday
CHICAGO – To help prepare local residents for the new face covering requirement, Assistant Majority Leader Tony Munoz (D-Chicago) partnered with Joann Fabrics in donating 5,000 masks to local businesses and organizations on Friday.
“My volunteers and I are more than grateful to be able to provide masks to local residents,” Munoz said. “I thank Joann Fabrics for their partnership and work during these trying times.”
Gov. JB Pritzker’s modified stay-at-home order requiring face coverings for anyone over the age of 2 in public spaces where social distancing is difficult went into effect May 1.
“I strongly encourage people to follow the governor’s order to the best of their ability,” Munoz said. “Staying at home and wearing face coverings in public spaces helps protect our frontline healthcare workers, essential workers and vulnerable residents.”
Munoz distributed masks to nursing homes, assisted living centers, local small businesses and nonprofit organizations across the 1st Senate District. Those entities include: Symphony of Midway, Aperion Care International, Barton Senior Residences, Senior Suites of Bridgeport, National Latino Education Institute, Amor De Dios Methodist Church, WINGS, Pilsen Alliance,
Pilsen Neighborhood Council, Chinese American Service League, Consolidated Benevolent Association Long Life Senior Housing and L'Cafecito Jumping Bean.
Future distributions will be made based on availability of supplies.
WAUKEGAN – A new drive-thru COVID-19 testing facility in Waukegan is now open to area residents, State Senator Terry Link (D-Indian Creek) announced.
“It remains critical that we continue to test as many individuals as possible to help us better understand the presence of this virus in Lake County and help limit its spread,” Link said. “If you are experiencing COVID-like symptoms, I highly encourage you to stop by this new site and get tested.”
The new Waukegan testing site is located at 2161 Northwestern Avenue in Waukegan and will be open seven days a week from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. while supplies last.
Read more: New drive-thru COVID-19 testing site available in Waukegan
State Senator Jacqueline Collins (D-Chicago) spoke to WTTW's Carol Marin this week about the vast and rapid expansion of video gaming in Illinois, even as the state has repeatedly refused to study the effect it's having on poor communities and those who struggle with addiction, even as it is now home to more gambling positions than the state of Nevada.
"I see a lot of red," Collins said, looking at a map of the 16th Illinois Senate District with dozens of markers indicating gambling sites. "I see a lot of poor people losing their livelihoods on false promises."
Read more: Collins: Gambling has rapidly expanded into poor communities with no study of impact
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