SPRINGFIELD – Parents can now enjoy the peace of mind that videos of their students at school won’t be shared with unauthorized parties under a new law sponsored by State Senator Laura Murphy (D-Des Plaines) removing the video recording requirement from the Illinois edTPA teacher licensing assessment.
“In order to gain a teaching license, educators in training have been forced to put kids’ privacy—and in some cases, their safety—at risk,” Murphy said. “With new cybersecurity threats being discovered every day, this law ensures our students are protected.”
Read more: Murphy: New law ensures our students are protected from cybersecurity threats
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) led an initiative that would extend the student-assistance contribution tax credit, which was signed into law Friday.
“As college prices continue to rise, it is crucial that some incentives or financial relief are provided when possible,” Hunter said. “Children who have a savings account are more likely to go to college, so it is important to encourage planning early.”
Read more: Hunter’s student-assistance contribution tax credit bill is law
SPRINGFIELD – A new law sponsored by State Senator Steve Stadelman (D-Rockford) and State Representative Dave Vella requires state agencies and institutions to only purchase American and Illinois flags manufactured in the United States.
“There’s no reason for us to be flying American and Illinois flags made in other countries,” Stadelman said. “This legislation rights a wrong while supporting local manufacturing and business economies at the same time.”
Read more: New law requires Illinois to purchase American-made flags
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Julie Morrison (D-Lake Forest) championed a law signed Friday that allows Illinois corporations to safely and effectively hold shareholder meetings virtually.
“While a lot of our favorite activities were halted during the pandemic – much of our daily work and meetings weren’t,” Morrison said. “Corporations must be able to have transparent and safe communications between their boards and shareholders.”
Read more: Morrison law makes corporations more transparent during pandemic
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