SPRINGFIELD – To improve the quality of health care for people living in rural parts of the state, State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield) is championing a measure to provide financial incentives to physicians who perform medical services in rural areas.
“Passing this bill will mean that people across the state will have an increased access to high quality health care,” said Turner. “We must work to improve access to quality care in rural Illinois.”
Private rural health clinics have opened in more recent years, providing the same quality care as hospitals in communities across the state. Physicians working in private clinics, at times in underserved areas, are not currently eligible for loan forgiveness even though they sometimes work in underserved areas. Senate Bill 3017 will ensure that if the physicians who work in private rural health facilities also receive loan forgiveness.
Read more: Turner champions measure to bring greater health care to rural Illinois
SPRINGFIELD - A measure to make the capitol complex more accessible for visitors with disabilities clears an important hurdle thanks to State Senator Robert Peters (D-Chicago).
“The Capitol grounds belong to all of the people, '' said Peters. “All people, regardless of their physical ability, should be able to freely move about the capitol and be able to navigate their way through our public spaces.”
Senate Bill 0180 requires the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate to each appoint an accessibility coordinator to work in consultation with the Architect of the Capitol to address accessibility needs for each chamber.
Read more: Peters measure to make the Capitol more accessible passes Senate
SPRINGFIELD – A measure spearheaded by State Senator Christopher Belt (D-Swansea) that would help recruit more volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel by providing an income tax credit passed the Senate Wednesday.
“Many communities rely on volunteer fire departments when they are in a crisis,” Belt said. “These fire departments across Illinois are struggling with a shortage of firefighters and EMS personnel volunteers.”
Senate Bill 3027 would provide a $500 income tax credit for volunteer firefighters and EMS personnel who are a member or work for a fire department or fire protection district for at least nine months and do not receive more than $10,000 for their volunteer services during the taxable year. Current law does not provide a tax credit. Other states that offer a similar credit include New York, Iowa and Maryland.
SPRINGFIELD – Legislation sponsored by State Senator Dave Koehler (D-Peoria) aimed to encourage people to invest in cars and small trucks manufactured in Illinois advanced out of the Senate Transportation Committee on Tuesday.
“Encouraging consumers to purchase vehicles that are manufactured in-state is a simple and effective way to support our statewide economy,” Koehler said. “By offering an economic incentive for vehicles made in Illinois, we can make the decision easy when it comes down to purchasing in- versus out-of-state cars.”
Under Senate Bill 3609, Illinoisans purchasing cars or passenger trucks will have the opportunity to apply for a $25 rebate on the title fee if the vehicle was manufactured in Illinois. The application for title must occur within one year of the month the vehicle was manufactured.
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