CHAMPAIGN – As students return to campus for the fall semester, Senate Higher Education Chair Scott Bennett (D-Champaign) is joining the Office of the State Fire Marshal and the National Fire Protection Association to offer tips to students to help prevent common campus fires and reduce fire hazards.
“With students returning to campus after being home for much of last year, and many of them being on their own for the first time, it’s extremely important for them to review fire safety tips to learn how to prevent fires,” Bennett said. “The more prepared students are, the better we can reduce fire risk.”
Read more: Bennett urges college students to take precautions in case of fire on campus
ELGIN – In the months following the spring legislative session, State Senator Cristina Castro (D- Elgin) is celebrating the signing of a number of pieces of legislation she spearheaded to help Illinoisans.
“I am proud of the General Assembly’s work this year to pass a wide range of measures to improve the lives of Illinoisans,” Castro said. “As we prepare to return to session in the coming months, I hope to continue my work to support and protect residents of the state, especially our most vulnerable.”
Read more: Castro celebrates legislative success as measures are signed into law
SPRINGFIELD — A measure sponsored by Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park) to provide greater continuity of support for students from kindergarten through graduation is now law.
The new law allows elementary and high school districts with overlapping boundaries to share student information and records as long as there is an intergovernmental agreement in place.
“The inability of districts like Oak Park Elementary School District 97 to share this data has led to gaps in understanding of what works best for students,” Harmon said. “This law will help teachers, counselors and social workers meet the needs of the children they serve.”
Read more: New Harmon law allows school districts with overlapping boundaries to share student data
CHICAGO – State Senator Mike Simmons (D-Chicago) continued his series of legislative people’s councils by inviting single moms from across the 7th District to his office for a discussion Thursday night.
“I want to reimagine the office of state senator in a way that shares decision making and policy goal-setting with people across the district whose voices have been ignored by decision makers,” Simmons said. “Nearly one out of three households in the 7th District are headed by single parents. I feel it is critical to create open lines of communication that allow them to articulate their needs and enable me to write legislation that is relevant and that can make a difference in their livelihoods.”
Read more: Simmons continues legislative councils series with second session for single moms
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