IDOT 290 75th 1200x600 092324CHICAGO – Members of the Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus reaffirmed their commitment to ensuring sustainable state infrastructure and investing in the future of the state’s workforce by supporting a $305.5 million investment in Interstate 290 and the Chicago Region Environmental and Transportation Efficiency Program’s 75th Street Corridor Improvement Project.

“This funding is welcome news,” said Senate President Don Harmon (D-Oak Park). “These two announcements represent another step forward in what are transformative projects across the region that will continue to decrease commute times, reconnect communities and improve safety.”


Both projects are funded through the federal Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act’s National Infrastructure Project Assistance (Mega) program. This program aims to support large projects that are otherwise difficult to fund and are likely to generate national or regional economic, mobility or safety benefits for a state. To meet the projects’ needs, the Illinois Department of Transportation is awarded two competitive grants that are set to improve the health, safety and quality of life for residents, while facilitating job opportunities, enhancing mobility and expediting services statewide.


This grant funding will provide $209.9 million to rebuild track infrastructure, add tracks, and fix or replace 14 aging bridges and viaducts, as well as implement mobility improvements on local surface streets. Additionally, this investment contributes to the goals of the CREATE program, which seeks to decrease railway congestion in Cook County.

Further, $95.6 million will support the reconstruction of I-290, including upgrading the First Avenue interchange and adding signalized interchanges at Van Buren Street and Maybook Drive. Other projects include sanitary sewer enhancements along the expressway corridor.

“This investment will not only enhance the health and safety of our communities, but also create jobs and improve the overall quality of life for residents,” said Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood). “It’s a testament to our commitment to modernizing transportation and ensuring a brighter, more efficient future for all.”