Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike reported Sunday an additional 1,197 confirmed COVID-19 cases in the past 24 hours and another 33 deaths since yesterday’s statewide update. However, the governor said one major lab provided no test report.

The latest numbers bring state totals to 30,357 cases and 1,290 deaths since the outbreak began.

Gov. JB Pritzker said a second cargo flight of PPE is expected to arrive tomorrow and that the Illinois National Guard is handling logistic on the ground to get supplies to the state warehouse for inventory and quality checks before they are shipped to first responders and medical facilities.

Pritzker was asked about the growing number of small protests around the country demanding restrictions be lifted. The governor said he too wants people to get back to work, school and enjoying life but “we’re in the middle of an emergency, a pandemic.”

“I want us to get to where they want us to get to,” he said.

Dr. Ezike clarified how COVID deaths are counted. For instance, someone in hospice and given only a couple weeks to live who then tests positive for COVID and dies, would count as a COVID death. She also said if you died of a clear other cause but were positive for COVID, you would count as a COVID death.

The governor was asked about PPE scams. “The scams are everywhere. Big ones and small ones,” he said.

Dr. Ezike said that of the people who test positive, the state is seeing a 25-32% hospitalization rate and within that group 5% require ICU care.

She reminded reporters that people do recover and most people experience mild if any symptoms, but it does hit certain groups harder – older people, those with diabetes, hypertension, etc. – and “there is no treatment, and there is no vaccine.”

The governor reported that one of the largest testing companies in the country provided no testing report on Sunday. “We’ll get those tests tomorrow.” The governor was asked about some medical experts saying he should require masks be worn. In his response, the governor told the reporter: “You’re foreshadowing.”

He said decisions would be made between now and the April 30 end of the Stay at Home Order and repeated his personal recommendation that “everybody should be wearing a mask.”

The governor was also asked about food processing centers, and while mostly under federal control, was there anything the state could do to protect worker safety?

Pritzker said the state has been working with local health departments to make sure workers are using PPE and employees who don’t feel well aren’t required to come to work. He said most businesses comply but that he’s had to threaten closure to get some to comply.