Gov. Pritzker announced today the suspension of in-person learning for the remainder of the school year. He said though the choice seemed inevitable, it was a difficult one, but one necessary to ensure the prevention of COVID-19 infection.

"I know many thought this was inevitable, but this was not a decision I made lightly," Pritzker said. "It's not just a question of tradition and sentimentality: The drop in in-person classroom time also risks a drop in instruction time."

Pritzker said the state will work to direct $569 million in CARES Act funding to schools for things like training, equipment and meals, with ISBE coordinating some of the funding in accordance with which school districts most need it, based on the number of their low-income students. He also said he will work to loosen requirements on licensing for student teachers in an attempt to ensure schools won't have recruitment challenges.

Pritzker also said grades given during pandemic should be sensitive to students' situation, calling on schools to use grades as "feedback, and not a tool for compliance."

IDPH Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike reported 1,842 new confirmed cases, bringing total confirmed COVID-19 cases to 27,575, and 62 deaths, bringing the state's total death toll to 1,134.