Gov. JB Pritzker said Thursday there are indications that “we are bending the curve” as the rate of increase for new COVID-19 cases across the state is less than expected.

However, the overall number of both cases and fatalities continues to grow.

Illinois Department of Public Health Director Dr. Ngozi Ezike reported:

66 additional deaths (Illinois death toll stands at 528)

1,344 new cases in the last 24 hours (Illinois total so far is 16,422)

While tragic, the fact that the rate of increase is less than expected signals that the measures taken to date appear to be working. The governor credited everyone in the state for helping.

However, the governor cautioned that the state must remain vigilant against the virus for the foreseeable future, going so far as to say summer events could be in jeopardy.

“I think everybody needs to think seriously about canceling large summer events, just from my perspective today. I do not see how we are going to have large gatherings of people, again, until we have a vaccine, which is months and months away,” Pritzker said.

Dr. Ezike reiterated that the virus can infect anyone and just because you feel fine doesn’t mean you won’t/aren’t spreading it to others, which is why social distancing is so vital.

“While you might be fine, the person you infect might not be as fine,” Ezike said. Her comments came in response to media reports about a CDC investigation of how a so-called “super spreader” in Chicago unknowingly infected as many as 16 people.

The governor used Thursday’s news conference to praise people and groups across the state that have stepped forward to volunteer services and exemplify the best of Illinois. He highlighted Lakeview Pantry, which has seen an 82% increase in use.

Overall, more than 45,000 people have signed up to volunteer or return to work in the medical field since the state instituted its Serve Illinois and Illinois Helps initiatives.

"Everywhere you look, there are helpers. Illinois is home to the kindest and most generous people in the nation," the governor said.