Today the governor spoke from Murphysboro after touring IDPH lab facilities in nearby Carbondale.

The number of positive cases increased to 288 covering 17 counties. That’s a 128 case increase from yesterday with officials warning things will get much worse before they get better.

The positive cases cover people ages 9 to 99.

There is a new, centralized site for updates and information:

Appearing with the governor, Jackson County Chairman Keith Larkin urged people to practice humanity because when this is over and you have stories to tell, “make sure your stories are of kindness and community.”

IDPH Director Dr.  Ngozi Ezike stressed that the numbers will increase, and fatalities will increase, before the situation gets better and again renewed calls for aggressive social distancing measures.

“Assume you have it and stay home and don’t transmit it,” Ezike said.

She urged seniors who are most at risk to stay inside and entreated younger people to avoid things like playdates and gatherings that negate the benefits of things like work and school closures.

"I want to ask everyone to do their part and break the cycle of spread by staying home. Every action each of us takes as an individual has an effect on the entire community," she said.

IEMA Director, Brig. Gen. Alicia Tate-Nadeau, said her agency is working to ensure medical professionals have the protective gear and medical supplies they need and is also now working with retailers to counteract the effect of purchasers who have been unnecessarily hoarding supplies.