SPRINGFIELD – Following unprecedented job losses and economic hardship due to the pandemic, Assistant Senate Majority Leader Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) sponsored a bipartisan reform package to address challenges faced by the Illinois Department of Employment Security during the unemployment surge, which has now passed the House of Representatives and is one step closer to becoming law.
“IDES, Democratic and Republican lawmakers, and business and labor groups worked together to craft this omnibus approach,” Holmes said. “It targets the weaknesses revealed in a system that wasn’t designed to address the wave of job losses, phone calls and fraudulent claims all hitting the department at once.”
On June 19, 1865, two and half years after the Emancipation Proclamation, Federal troops arrived in Galveston, Texas to announce the end of slavery and ensure that all enslaved people were freed. Today, over 150 years later, Illinois now declares June 19 a state holiday to recognize Juneteenth National Freedom Day.
The initiative, led by Senate Majority Leader Kimberly A. Lightford (D-Maywood) began as an effort to keep Black history alive in Illinois by creating a statewide celebration of African American freedom and independence.
“Making Juneteenth a state holiday is a breakthrough in Illinois history,” Lightford said. “It reminds us that freedom and racial equality have always been a hard-fought battle for Black Americans and gives us an opportunity to celebrate our culture and achievements.”
Read more: Illinois Senate Black Caucus Celebrates the signing of Juneteenth law
CHICAGO – State Senator Mattie Hunter (D-Chicago) released the following statement in the aftermath of the gun violence at an Englewood community residence in her legislative district that left four people dead and another four wounded:
“My heart aches for the lives that were lost and injured today. Our neighborhoods have seen too many acts of violence, and I extend my condolences to the families of the victims.
“Gun violence is a public health issue that has run rampant for far too long in our communities. I will continue to advocate for increased gun control and more safety resources for our communities. This has got to stop. One more life lost is one too many.
“Every Chicagoan deserves to feel safe on their street, and in their home.”
OAKBROOK TERRACE – To provide residents with safe local travel and recreation options, State Senator Suzy Glowiak Hilton (D-Western Springs) announced a state investment to construct a bike and pedestrian path in Elmhurst.
“Bike paths provide a safe public space for residents, families and visitors to be physically active and enjoy the outdoors,” Glowiak Hilton said. “This major investment will allow residents to enjoy even more opportunities for safe transportation and recreation, as well as attract visitors to our area.”
The notable project in the 24th District includes $198,000 to build a pedestrian overpass above Route 83 in Elmhurst.
Rebuild Illinois is awarding $105.7 million to 99 projects statewide, including recreational paths and trails, through the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program. A complete list can be found on IDOT’s website.
SPRINGFIELD –The City of Decatur will see a combined $4 million investment in bike paths and sidewalks, State Senator Doris Turner (D-Springfield) announced Monday.
“This is a great investment for the city of Decatur, especially as we head into the warmest months of the year,” Said Turner. “This grant creates an opportunity for safe activities for families, residents and cyclist.”
Residents of the Central Illinois area will see improvements to Stevens Creek Bikeway 2A and Decatur Route 51 Bike/Walkway.
The Park District will use the grant funding to acquire 31.7 acres of land located in the northwest portion of Decatur. The land will allow for access to the current 10-foot-wide asphalt bike trail, which is 9.8 miles long with an additional 1.5 miles under development. The new gain in land will help complete the final 2 miles of the Stevens Creek Bikeway.
These projects are part of the Illinois Transportation Enhancement Program, for which the Illinois Department of Transportation has selected 99 projects totaling $105.7 million. Projects receiving funding in this round of investment include biking and walking paths, trails, streetscape beautification, and other projects designed to encourage safe travel across the various modes of transportation at the local level.
Learn more about the program, eligible projects and the application process here.
CHAMPAIGN — To prevent the “summer slide,” State Senator Scott Bennett (D-Champaign is launching a Summer Reading Club for children and young people who live in the 52nd State Senate District.
Bennett is launching the club to counteract summer learning loss, which occurs when students “turn off their brains” during the summer months.
“Children of all ages can greatly benefit from a summer reading program,” Bennett said. “In fact, keeping kids engaged in books while they’re young will boost lifelong learning and ensure they are prepared for the next school year.”
Studies indicate that 2 months of reading skills and 2 ½ months of math skills are lost over a single summer.
The Summer Book Club requires students to read eight books of their choice during the summer break, record the names of the books and return the form to Bennett’s office by Aug. 11. Everyone who completes the summer reading club will receive a gift card and certificate from Senator Bennett.
“Reading through the summer months keeps young minds engaged,” Bennett said. “This program will encourage our youth to get into a reading routine and stay sharp for the school year ahead.”
To receive a book club form, visit SenatorBennett.com to download and print the form. Parents can also call Bennett’s Champaign office at 217-355-5252 or Danville office at 217-442-5252 to request a copy by mail.
Bennett urges interested residents to call his office with any additional questions.
BUFFALO GROVE – Lake County residents will be able to enjoy the outdoors more safely thanks to over $2.5 million in funding to improve local bike paths and sidewalks, State Senator Adriane Johnson (D-Buffalo Grove) announced.
“Walking and biking are great ways to get outside, stay healthy and enjoy time with friends and family,” Johnson said. “These investments will ensure residents can continue to enjoy our beautiful natural spaces for years to come.”
Residents of Lake County will see improvements to a number of area trails for pedestrians and bicyclists, including over $500,000 to advance the Route 60 Bicycle Path Connectivity Project and $2 million to complete Stage 4 of the Patriot Path, a 5.5-mile pedestrian and bicycle route along Route 137 between Libertyville and North Chicago.
Read more: Johnson announces $2.5 million investment in local bike, walking paths
PARK FOREST— In an effort to maintain student progress outside the classroom, State Senator Patrick Joyce (D-Essex) is launching a Summer Reading Club for children and young people who live in the 40th State Senate District.
Joyce is launching a Summer Reading Club to counteract summer learning loss, which occurs when students “turn off their brains” during summer months.
“Summer reading is critical in keeping our children engaged and curious for the next academic year,” Joyce said. “I am encouraging young readers to set aside 10-15 minutes a day to read and make it a part of their summer routine.”
Read more: Joyce invites youth to participate in Summer Book Club
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