Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

The Illinois Senate Democratic Caucus would like to wish you a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

After spending last holiday season apart from loved ones due to COVID-19, we are hopeful you are able to join in celebration with the ones you love. This Thanksgiving, we are extra thankful for the health care workers and scientists whose efforts allow us to be safely reunited with our friends and family.

Happy Thanksgiving to all — and please stay safe. Click here to view a special message from the Senate President.


Small Business Saturday

Shop small this holiday season

There’s no question the public health crisis was hard on us all — especially small businesses that are continuing to recover.

To support our main streets across the state, we encourage you to shop small this holiday season — and that starts with this week’s Small Business Saturday. Consider buying gifts for your loved ones from local mom and pop shops rather than big box stores or their online-only competitors. Together, we can help our beloved local businesses keep their doors open.

Supporting local businesses, however, doesn’t just mean going to brick and mortar stores. You can also support small businesses through online or curbside sales, ordering carry out from a locally owned restaurant or buying a gift card for a friend. For every dollar spent at a small business, 67 cents stays in the community.


Illinois Made Holiday Gift Guide

Support local!

Find gifts for everyone on your list by shopping the 2021 Illinois Made Holiday Gift Guide. From gourmet chocolates to handcrafted canoes, there's something for everyone.

Shop one of Illinois' 28 small businesses inducted into the Illinois Made Holiday Gift Guide here.


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