Illinois Reopening

Back in business

After nearly 15 months, we have now reached the time we have all longed for: Our state reopening. As of Friday, Illinois has entered Phase 5 of the Restore Illinois Plan – and that’s all thanks to you.

We appreciate the work each of you have done to get us where we are today. From the health care workers who endured the toughest years of their careers, to the essential workers who put their health on the line to keep businesses running – and everyone who masked up, social distanced and gotten vaccinated – each of you played a part in the state’s reopening and the lifted capacity limits.

Here’s what Phase 5 will look like:

  • Businesses across all industries—including bars, restaurants, gyms, movie theaters, live music venues, and indoor and outdoor recreational spaces—can return to full operations for the first time since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Festivals, conventions and other large events can resume.
  • Fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask except where required by local business and workplace guidance.

For a full list of reopening guidelines, click here.


Senate floor

Senate returns for clean energy session

The Illinois Senate will return to the Capitol on Tuesday, June 15 for the purpose of voting on clean energy legislation that would set Illinois on a path to a nation-leading renewable energy plan.

“This is a landmark clean energy plan that both protects thousands of jobs and moves Illinois responsibly toward the future,” said Illinois Senate President Don Harmon.

To stay up-to-date on this and other key issues, visit


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