Sen. Rachel Ventura

SPRINGFIELD – To end the misleading practice of fake “final notices,” State Senator Rachel Ventura advanced legislation that requires senders to clearly post the intention of their mailing.

“Far too often new home owners and seniors are the victims of fake final notices,” said Ventura (D-Joliet). “We must end this dishonest business practice so that no one is tricked into purchasing goods or services they don’t need. People shouldn’t have to deal with anxiety-inducing scam letters like these.”

When someone buys a car or home in Illinois, “final notice” letters regarding warranties, protection plans and insurance are often mailed out by third parties to scam recipients into providing information or buying products under the guise of maintaining their home or vehicle.

Ventura’s legislation amends the Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act to require that senders clearly state that their mailing is not a bill but rather a solicitation of services.

Senate Bill 1440 passed the Senate Thursday and heads to the House for further consideration.