military sexassault 073123SPRINGFIELDMilitary service members who are survivors of sexual misconduct will now be more protected thanks to a new law sponsored by State Senator Mike Porfirio, a Navy Veteran, and State Representative Stephanie Kifowit, a Marine Corps Veteran.

“Survivors of sexual assault must receive all the protections they deserve,” said Porfirio (D-Lyons Township). “Service members sacrifice their lives for the protection of our country, the least we can do is ensure that they are protected as well.”

The law ensures that Illinois National Guard and reserve military service members who are survivors of non-consensual sexual conduct and have received a military protective order are also protected under the state’s civil no contact and stalking no contact orders.

“Military sexual assault is a real problem that can have long-term safety risks and consequences for victims,” Representative Stephanie Kifowit (D-Oswego) said. “I have been focused on aligning our laws to ensure that survivors receive the protections they deserve, not just from a military judge, but from the state they live in as well.”

In 2022, close to 36,000 service members reported experiencing unwanted sexual contact. Broken down further, the numbers equate to 8.4% of women at nearly 16,000 service members and 1.5% of men at nearly 15,000 service members. Porfirio’s measure will align Illinois laws to ensure that survivors receive protection from both the military and the state.

“Service members who have tragically dealt with unwanted and unwarranted advances deserve the peace of mind that the state will protect them,” said Porfirio. “Everyone deserves to be protected, including those who protect us abroad.”

House Bill 3103 was signed on Monday and goes into effect immediately.