airport noise 042723SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Mike Porfirio passed a measure through the Senate Local Government Committee on Wednesday that would expand the Residential Sound Insulation Program Advisory Committee by two members.

“It’s important to have all voices heard when it comes to issues like aviation noise and pollution,” said Porfirio (D-Lyons Township). “By adding additional members to this committee, our goal is to ensure that all affected areas have representation.”

Currently, municipalities can establish Residential Sound Insulation Programs to mitigate the impacts of aircraft noise and pollution on neighboring homes by replacing residential windows and monitoring the off-gassing of those replacements. At least 10% of window replacements must go to homes that are considered in extreme hardship.

The committee is comprised of nine members who monitor the various municipal programs who have the authority to determine which homes contain windows or doors that cause offensive odors and are thus eligible for replacement.

“If you live near an airport, such as Midway in my district, the constant airplane noises can be extremely disruptive to daily life,” said Porfirio. “As a member of this committee, I want to ensure that my constituents and all Illinoisans will have the most experienced people to represent them and offer advice on how to create effective solutions.”

House Bill 3722 passed the Senate Local Government Committee and now heads to the full Senate for further consideration.